What to do against fraud in Switzerland?

I won a free training in this place https://ems-sportwelt.ch/ where they say you can make a 30 days trial training before you have to pay something, but for that they make you sign a lot of papers, including one with my IBAN. Since I don't speak german, I trusted the guy and signed. I didn't even use my trial period, I just texted on 22.april (date that the free trial would beging) and said I wasn't interested anymore. They offered if I'd like to keep the signature for a period less than a year, I didn't even answer, because in my e-mail it was clear that I wanted to cancel. Today I was charged with the first payment of a period of 1 year. I went to trustpilot and found out that I'm not alone in this one. I wanted to go make bad comments in their google page, but they removed it from there. I want to go to the police, but to my surprise someone told me they will do nothing (I'll go anyway, someone is scamming people, how is it possible that police won't do something about it??)

Anyway, any ideas of how I can hurt this company, get my money back and help people not to fall for this like I did??


by Horror-Salamander-69

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