Media: Finnair plane could not land due to Russian harassment The plane was not able to land in Tallinn either, so it returned to Vantaa.

Media: Finnair plane could not land due to Russian harassment The plane was not able to land in Tallinn either, so it returned to Vantaa.

by Watcher_2023

  1. From article:

    # Experts consider Russia to be a likely culprit to harass.

    My comment: You think?

  2. Also, the harassment was in the form of GPS interference which Russia has been doing in many places in Europe.

  3. So we should triangulate the radio source and eliminate, no warning , no politics, no sanctions, just send Russia a message, fuck around and find out… we can always claim it was just an extremist tourist..

  4. From little things, big things grow. Like wars. It’s chaos theory taking us into chaos. Like maybe on a sweaty humid day, a broken air-conditioner makes someone grumpy and they decide to nuke away.

  5. I do not quite understand the difficulties about landing a plane without GPS. Before the GPS was invented, the planes were already capable of flying and landing… Can someone explain?

  6. It’s beyond time to deal with Russia. They are weak, don’t miss this chance. Take them off the board.

  7. A shame for Russia that the alternative is (and yes, I understand the absurd costs involved) to run a system that Russia cannot access.

  8. The news article does not mention “bad weather”, or “poor visibility”, so the pilots must have seen the destination airport, they had the support of the control tower, etc. They must land by VFR.

    Anyway the article mentioned “many similar GPS jamming incidents in previous months”, why they did not prepare for this situation?

  9. Nato allies should arrange covert shipping assistance to enable Ukraine to launch sea drones against Russian Baltic, Arctic and Pacific shipping as well as the current Black Sea operation.

    That should cause panic amongst the senior Russian military. War on 4 fronts. Oops hadn’t planned on that. Best not risk a fifth front with Nato then.

  10. We should systematically harass their Glonass and implement a routine that doesn’t allow them the use of GPS over their territory.

  11. ruzzia doing shit like this and wondering why no one likes them.

    We should do something with Estonia to stop their flights and ships going to Königsberg. Isolate them.

    Greetings from Finland

  12. They are real-time testing the system for later military use. Heads up folks

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