Welcome to Friday, where we strongly suspect someone’s been arsin’ around!

It is of course time for our Friday chat thread, so do come on in and tell us your plans for the day. Bit of laying track down while riding on a train? Running around being a nefarious penguin with a glove on your head? Inhaling cheese while talking to the dog?

Whatever’s on for your day, come on in and have a chat!

by dexbydesign89

  1. You are definitely my favourite mod, your posts are mental (in a good way).

    Helping neighbour today as her daughter’s moving into her new place this weekend and all her stuff is stored at her mum’s, so it’s Operation Clean And Move The Things today.

    Friday is also bed change day here, so after all the graft later, it’ll be nice hot shower, big roast dinner and turn in early for Clean Bed Night. Bliss.

  2. As seems to be standard for Thursday nights at the moment, I didn’t sleep well last night. Because of that I’m currently wondering whether to skip the gym this morning and just start work super early so I can finish early, or just go knowing it’ll wake me up and I’ll still be starting work earlier than normal anyway. Either way, on the bright side I will be having a Friday beer by half 3 this afternoon at the latest.

  3. Had a chat with my boss yesterday about my junior dev struggling. Seems he was told the same thing as me, that they’d worked on a project previously, so he was a bit shocked when I said junior is struggling with really basic stuff. What actually transpires I’d the junior has written very little code and is struggling with the most simple tasks I can assign them.

    A junior always needs support and I’m more than happy to provide that but they’re taking up far more of my time than anticipated and I’m getting nothing done. There’s a lack of ability to problem solve anything alone, I just get error messages copied to me and messages for help. Step 1 should always be Google it and see if you can work it out but I’ve been asked things like “oh what should I Google?” Which is really worrying. I’m not convinced they’ve understood anything we’ve written together.

    I’m trying to be supportive and encouraging (I had some awful senior devs before so I want to be better than that) but the constant “I don’t get this” messages and going over the same error message or concepts for the 10th time is worrying.

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