Just what on gods Green Earth…

Just what on gods Green Earth…

by Royal_IDunno

  1. Dodged the jam… which is maybe a nice legal literal take on the name, if you ever take them to court.

  2. The jam machine is getting on a bit probably don’t make fun i’m sure it’s doing the best it can!

  3. I was admiring just how well you tore the packet to align with the biscuit before I noticed the lack of jam 🤣

  4. Can we all agree that this photo is very aesthetically pleasing? Even if the contents are heartbreaking

  5. Oh no, it’ll be slightly dryer and tasteless than they normally are!

    (I don’t mean to start a biscuit war, each to their own)

  6. Does this mean you’re in line to tour and inherit the Jammie Dodger factory?

  7. I did work experience at Tesco bakery. They put me on doughnut filling. Doughnuts are supposed to 6 grams grams but I was a young man, I got bored quickly and so one rogue packet of 4 received a doughnut with 56 grams and another a measly, 1 gram.
    It still tickles me, the idea that a family, tucking into their doughnuts and one family member undoubtedly getting covered in jam meanwhile the other having a dry doughnut.

  8. That is absolutely fucking disgusting there was not even an attempt to fill it in at all 🫠

  9. Local paper will probably give you two pages for this crime against humanity. Then the grown up papers will go with it, next thing you know, you’ll have UN peacekeepers at your door.

    I think this could be the end for burtons biscuits…

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