Five other House Republicans could resign after Ken Buck

by coasterghost

  1. So are republicans going to resign their way out of having a house majority?

    If so this would be unprecedented in modern politics.

  2. Republicans in disarray.

    They must be upset that all fundraising is going to Trump’s legal fees and fines

  3. Oh no. Please don’t go. Who will we have to hurt minority groups, bend the knee to Putin and fuck up our economy?

  4. I’m thinking there may be some sort of pending shitstorm of a controversy that we aren’t aware of yet.

    Not the hottest take seeing as there always is.

  5. Trump calling somebody a RINO is laughable, considering Trump wasn’t a Republican for most of his life. Meanwhile, Trump is busy destroying the Republican Party.

  6. > Larry Bucshon has also pilloried the former president. In August 2023, the Indiana Republican predicted Trump would not be the GOP nominee because of controversies around him. In October 2023 he said Trump should apologize for comments he made about migrants “poisoning the blood” of the country during a campaign rally. He also called Trump out for the Capitol riots in 2021, claiming he incited them.

    It’s always refreshing to see a Republican name I don’t recognize, because the ones that I do recognize are generally the ones who achieve a national profile via disgusting shenanigans.

    > Chip Roy, of Texas, has criticized Trump for issues at the U.S.-Mexico border. In November, he told CNN that Trump “failed to actually fully secure the border” amid concerns about a rising number of migrant encounters.

    > There appears to be no love lost between the pair as Trump too has spoken out against Roy, calling him a “RINO” (Republican in name only) on social media.

    Chip goddamn Roy, a RINO. Right. Sure.

  7. Why resign, just vote with Dems…bipartisan is basically dead with GOP being deadweight in either the house or senate.

  8. If only these Republicans had a spine, they might actually publicly stand up to Trump and his sycophants, maybe cross the aisle and vote for Democrats instead of just resigning.

  9. Do it!!!! Maybe then the Ukraine aid bill can pass, before my head explodes from anxiety about it!!!

  10. Clickbait. The piece just lists some members that had disagreements with Trump at one point or other. No indication any will resign.

  11. After 6 years, three terms, representatives receive a lifetime 100% pension. Quitting for some is not a financial sacrifice.

  12. Bunch of fucking spineless cowards. They spend years enabling this MAGA bullshit now it’s getting out of control and instead of staying and trying to right their wrongs they’re just gonna peace out.

  13. It’s almost like some of these actual conservatives see their party being infiltrated by Russia and might actually put country first.

    I don’t agree with Ken Bucks politics, but he is representing his constituents rather well. He has been genuinely upset not to get harmful policy passed.

  14. They need that sticker that says, “Trump did this.” Like they put on gas pumps.

    Look, apparently, we probably won’t be getting rid of white, male presidents for a while. All I ask is to find younger candidates, candidates that at least pretend they aren’t biased, bigots, or idiots. And ANYONE but Trump. How hard is that? Apparently, it’s very hard.

  15. Every time I have thought about how KB fucked over Bobo by salting the field on his way out, I get a little burst of dopamine from pure schadenfreude.

    A recap for those catching up on all the news…

    1. Bobo wanted to run for Ken’s seat, CO-4.
    1. His resignation forces a special election, which will be the same day as the primary.
    1. To run in the special election for CO-4, Bobo must resign from CO-3 immediately. (She won’t do that)
    1. Voters will pick the republican candidate for the general election on the same day (same ballot?) that they pick the person that completes Ken Buck’s term. Voters aren’t going to split that. Bobo can’t have one, so she won’t get either.
    1. She has missed the filing deadline for CO-3, so she can’t change course at this point.
    1. __SHE GONE!__

    Ken Buck found a way to turn his departure into an *iconic* 2-for-1 deal.

    Maybe she will also resign, since no current likely outcome has her in Congress come Jan 6, 2025.

    Bye, Bobo! It was dumb while it lasted!

  16. I keep getting annoyed how dozens and dozens of articles keep saying that the “HoR is in complete disarray” or that the “lower house of Congress is in shambles”…etc

    Ever since McCarthy was ousted that’s been the top headline on anything HoR related.

    But it’s only a half truth.. it’s the House GOP that is in disarray, that can’t get their shit together, that can’t find unity within their ranks. House democrats are fine.. it’s the side that sides with crazy that’s (expectedly) the shit-show.

  17. Never seen a party more dysfunctional than the GOP. Lindsey Graham said it best in 2016; “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…and we will deserve it.”

  18. Some republicans are sick of the maga takeover and trump. Ken Buck set fire to the party on his way out saying the next 3 leaving will shake it up. Republicans only have a 2 vote majority once Buck leaves next week. He said he was sick of wasting his time fighting the crazies. They are getting nothing done. The GOP is melting down with trump as their leader.
    Good riddance.

  19. So,if the more sane republicans quit, they’ll just be replaced with magats. That’s not good, either.

  20. They are resigning because the party is too corrupt. They just don’t want to come out right and say it, which is a shame because their constituents need to be told the truth from the horses mouth. The more people come forward with the truth, the better it will be for everyone in this country.

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