Pierogi recipe

Hi! I’m a mexican in love with Poland. When I went to Warszawa I discovered pierogies and my world changed. The thing is that I only find recipes of potato filled pierogies and I want beef filled pierogis 🙁 do you know any recipe?

The place where I discovered pierogies is Karmnik

by JelloLeather8204

  1. Wczoraj pierogi… dzisiaj ktoś wstawia pierogi… weź tu człowieku bądź na diecie jak wszyscy Cie kuszą na pierogi z cebulką.

  2. you should type in google “meat pierogi” and you will see a lot of different recipes, because that’s how polish people name pierogi’s with beef

  3. The best meat pierogi is with meat from rosół, so make a Polish festival ;]

    For the easiest, lazy filling, you just mince the meat with salt, pepper and fried onion, fry it before and just roll pierogi. But as other comments say, just google pierogi z mięsem

  4. Pierwsze od lat prawidłowe pierogi na subie. Ze skwarkami że słoniny. Kurwa aż mi język uciekł. 

  5. Please don’t say “pierogies”, since “pierogi” is already plural. If you want to use english pluralization you could say “pierogs” but I’m not 100% sure this is still correct 🙂

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