Trump’s Super PAC Has Been Footing His Legal Bills. Now It’s Running Out of Money.

Trump’s Super PAC Has Been Footing His Legal Bills. Now It’s Running Out of Money.

  1. ***From Rolling Stone:***

    Donald Trump‘s legal defense is expensive, and the invoices continue to pile up as the former president drains money from his political action committees to pay his attorneys. Trump has been using Save America, a super PAC he controls, to help pay for his legal bills, but after spending tens of millions of dollars on legal consulting, it may be running out of funds.

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  2. To no one’s surprise. You happy now republicans?

    You basically screwed yourselves.

  3. Quick, sell shoes! No wait, bibles! No wait, demand tithe! No wait, sell Melaria!

  4. Good. And every cent of the RNC money should go there too — you threw your weight behind a candidate that had been indicted, enjoy the consequences.

  5. Well now he’s demanding money from the Republican down ballots using his name / endorsement. Not sure how much money he’s going to be getting from that.

    Wonder what’s next to fleece after that runs dry.

  6. >Trump’s spending on legal bills amounted to a quarter of the total expenditures by his political action committees in March

    That’s a burn rate of “oh holy fuck!” 🔥 🥵

  7. Perfect.. what do you think he’s going to do to the country if he wins in November..

  8. how in the fuck is it remotely legal for a super PAC to be paying a candidate’s personal legal bills?? Even if it’s not a campaign finance violation, it’s certainly self-dealing.

    > As committees that solicit and accept unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations, labor organizations and other political committees, Super PACs and Hybrid PACs do **not** make contributions to candidates.

  9. Other than everyone, who could have seen this coming. The guy is a money sponge and wrecks everything along the way leaving a slug like trail of unpaid bills and broke companies. It’s really Orange Collar crime!

  10. Why do you think he has asking for 5% of others campaign funds in exchange for his endorsement?

  11. Trump to people making thirty grand a year, “Here’s where you get to help out.”

  12. This whole trial thing turned out to be a fantastic way to funnel PAC money. There seriously needs to be a regulation against this. The whole thing is a giant money laundering scheme.

  13. Of the RNC keeps funneling money to him, you can be sure it will come out of the “down ballot fund” and not his re-election fund.

  14. It’s like I say y’all dumbasses keep fooling with this dumbass Trump you either going to be in jail or going broke and most of y’all going broke so can we say that MEGA is “woke” because most of them are going broke?

  15. I feel like I’ve been reading some variant of this article for the past year. 

  16. Trump single-handedly doing what Democrats never could. Killing the GOP. Gotta love it!

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