U.S. bans noncompete agreements for nearly all jobs

U.S. bans noncompete agreements for nearly all jobs


  1. I didn’t even realize that this was a possibility. I’m so rarely pleasantly surprised these days by political news that I’m not sure what to do now.

  2. Where was this bullshit 3 years ago when home depot was able to non compete me for 6 months?

  3. > The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has vigorously opposed the ban, saying that noncompetes can benefit both companies, by allowing them to better guard trade secrets, and employees, by giving employers greater incentive to invest in workforce training and development.

    A competent workforce is its own reward ya ding dongs. Now the incentive is to be better for your employees than other companies or they’ll leave.

  4. This is very good news for American workers. Hopefully the courts won’t strike it down. 

    Keep in mind the new rule exempts senior executives, which is fair. 

    Currently, non-competes are used against average workers, like sandwich makers and yoga instructors. 

    Democrats really need to sell this win. 

  5. If states are going to be “right to work” then it only makes sense to ban non-compete

  6. Excellent.

    Now let’s actually define what “Intellectual Property” really encompasses. Imagine going back in time, you learned blacksmithing as an apprentice but that ‘how to’ is the intellectual property of the smith so you can only work for him/her. This is not far off from our world today, it’s time to reign that con in too.

  7. > noncompetes can benefit both companies, by allowing them to better guard trade secrets, and employees, by giving employers greater incentive to invest in workforce training and development.

    Stop, my sides.

  8. This is great news! My husband is in sales and a noncompete has prevented him from leaving his job for a better company because he would not be allowed to keep his book of business or go after those accounts for 2 years. His company has also told him essentially they will never promote him. Can’t wait for him to go somewhere where his talents are respected and where he can keep his current clients.

  9. This seems pretty great!

    My wife left the company she worked for at the end of 2022 to start her own company with a few friends in a similar field. About a month after she quit they made sure to notify her of their noncompete clause.

    This clause stated that:

    * She couldn’t talk to any of her previous clients or any clients of that company
    * She couldn’t poach any developers from her previous company
    * She could not do any work in any state or territory that the company had an office in or was adjacent to a state or territory the company was in.

    The first two were pretty standard, the last one though was brutal. Since this was a company that has offices all over the US, Canada, and Mexico she basically couldn’t work in the US and could work in a small remote location in Canada.

    She ended up getting a lawyer to look at it and they said it was pretty unenforceable because it was beyond ridiculous, but if she did try to test the limits they would have taken her to court and we’d have to spend a lot of money to fight it. So she basically didn’t work for a year. She helped with the day-to-day of the company, create classes, and other jobs she could do without breaking her noncompete, but yeah, she basically just couldn’t do her actual job.

  10. This is great. I am retired now but policies like this prevented me from getting another job with more pay in the past and eventually having to move to another state. I was a network tech but where I was at was not a high tech area, just a couple similar businesses. When I interviewed with one they told me that they couldn’t hire me because I worked for one of their competitors. I ended up having to leave the area to be able to find a better paying job since nobody local would hire me due to noncompete agreements.

  11. Finally.  Non competes are evil.  

    I say they are evil because they’re bad for everyone.  Short term:  bad for workers.  Long term:  bad for companies because labor mobility makes it easier for the best companies to hire and retain talent.

  12. Scheduled to go into effect 120 days after being published in the National Register. There will undoubtedly be legal challenges that delay it even more.

    So don’t act too fast.

  13. So, when does the ban take effect? Some great reporting here /s…does anyone know more details other than “later this year”?

  14. Finally. Employees aren’t owned by a corporation. It’s time they remember this.

    (there was already a state ban in NY/CA; but it’s high time it’s federal policy…)

    Sneaking in “terms” that employees “can’t quit” or can’t work another job in job “agreements”; an insane abuse (but typical of right wing corpo america ofc) have officially no value in term of federal law now too.

    Next stop, outlawing slavery in the US again and the 13B/jim crow loophole abused by red states (with emprisonment on dodgy charges first).

  15. This is 100% Biden and his administration sticking up for the little guy. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  16. Lol noncompetes give employers incentive to better invest in training and compensation? FOH.

  17. Corporations: you don’t need unions, you need to compete in the job market for better pay and conditions, market forces will take care of you!

    Also corporations: You can’t compete in the job market if you work for us.

    Non-compete agreements are awful. They need to be banned completely. Of course the Chamber of Commerce likes them…

  18. Finally. A job you no longer work for should not have a say on where you work after them.

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