Stranke Zelenih

Stranke Zelenih

by Relative-Outcome-294

  1. Proti podnebnim spremembam z zmanjšanjem izpustov, bi se morali vsi zavzemat, neglede na to, ali so zeleni, rdeči, beli, modri, levi, desni itd.

  2. Context: Ženka na sliki je Clover Hogan. Ta “JazJaz” je nastal kot reakcija ker je trdila:

    >The most insidious form of climate denial is no longer, “It’s not happening,” but the belief that incremental or tech solutions will solve this crisis.
    >Take electric vehicles. As demand grows, so does the need for cobalt; 70% of which is mined in the DRC.
    >This has led to an explosion in human rights abuses; from child labour, to miners being buried alive when tunnels cave in. Workers make as little as £2 per day.
    >In the pursuit of shiny, silver bullet solutions, we are inadvertently doubling down on deeply-entrenched injustices.
    >What if we zoomed out from the combustion engine and asked, “How do we redesign mobility?”
    >This is a much more exciting question, because then we can focus on solutions that are accessible and serve the majority of people; not the handful who can afford a new Tesla.
    >In fact, if we made cities LESS car-friendly, they could be both safer and greener.
    >Imagine if we instead prioritised community allotments, local gardens, playgrounds, cycling infrastructure, public transport… all of which lead to cleaner air, improved climate resilience, and healthier, happier people.
    >”Sustainability” should not the end goal; but the means to creating a more fair and equitable society.

    Men osebno se njena trditev ne zdi napačna in mi ni jasno kako to ljudi povezujejo z komunizmom.

  3. Musk se je nanjo spravil, ker dela antireklamo za Teslo.

    Kar se tiče zelenega prehoda, njen argument, da zaradi proizvodnje kobalta trpijo človeške pravice v DRK, se mi zdi, da je nepovezano tako in drugače. Samo po sebi to nima vpliva na izpuste toplogrednih plinov. Pomembno je tudi, da DRK poskrbi, da bo z zakoni zaščitil delavce v rudnikih. Glede cene, enako, naj se zavzamejo za njihove interese. Če hočejo več, naj zahtevajo več.

    Glede prostalega, se strinjam z njo do neke mere, ampak ne razumem pa njene logike izključevanja. Tudi če naredijo vse kar ona predlaga, se bodo avti še vedno prodajali. Torej, ob predpostavki, da so električni res bolj zeleni, zakaj jih blati? Po moje je vsak doprinos pomemben.

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