België stuurt dit jaar dan toch F-16-gevechtsvliegtuigen naar Oekraïne

België stuurt dit jaar dan toch F-16-gevechtsvliegtuigen naar Oekraïne

by BelgianPolitics

  1. >De Croo emphasizes that all delivered F-16s will be paid for with taxes on Russian assets. “You know that a lot of Russian money is parked in our country,” he says. “We use the taxes on that to give to the Ukrainians so that they can defend themselves against the Russians. So the planes are not paid for with the Belgians’ tax money.”

    What strange thing is this? As if that money taxed from rich Russians was not able to be used for Belgian roads, schools, hospitals or pensions? All the Belgian money invested in supporting Ukraine, is Belgian money.

    Mr De Croo: I do not discuss your measure with the F-16, but do not treat people as stupid.

  2. Way too little and way too late. Drip drip drip.

    Europe is pathetic and if we can’t defend ourselves how will we stand up for our values that are very clearly under attack? NATO enforced no-fly zone over Ukraine please.

    ”but Putin has nukes” yes so what, we have more and more precise nukes. Are we going to give every dictator its way once he starts waving his nuclear weapons around? Russia has no more room to escalate, NATO had plenty of conventional escalation room left. Shoot down everything Russian in (occupied) Ukrainian airspace.

    Edit: The war had been going on for more than two years. NATO countries’ GDP is over 10(!) times the GDP of Russia. NATO military spending is 20(!) times Russia’s. We should be outproducing Russia into the dust. Yet Russia produces 3 times more artillery shells than NATO, it’s insanity. Where are the new factories where thousands of shells roll of the assembly line every day? TWO YEARS. How many more people need to die? Are we going to keep dripfeeding Ukraine so they survive but can’t win? Because that’s what we’re doing right now, what is our endgame? Where is our vision? We should do everything to support a Ukrainian VICTORY. The dictatorships of the world are watching…if we don’t do it our children will pay a much heavier price in treasure but also in blood.

  3. Finally. And we are still not paying anything ourselves. Everything we give is paid Friday m taxes on Russian money.

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