Carbon emissions are dropping—fast—in Europe • Thanks to a price mechanism that actually works

Carbon emissions are dropping—fast—in Europe • Thanks to a price mechanism that actually works

by Naurgul

  1. Stop 🛑 talking about environmental and start talking about how oil gets 20 billion in welfare from the government. We pay 💰 the power bill at the oil company etc….. We give 3 billion to Solar and wind in the form of tax refund of 30%. Biden can hand out free Solar panel to millions of Americans and pay 💰 for it by cutting welfare to oil. Call it Biden power or increase subsidies for Solar to 50% and Solar/battery to 70% for tax refund program do same for wind 🌬. But talking about the environment most people don’t care 🤷‍♂️ but talking about free Biden power people would care people also hate giving welfare to oil companies but most people don’t know!!!

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