410 nok worth of groceries at Rema

Not terrible imo, but still expensive. With the Æ app I payed 401,80 nok.

by getfackd

  1. Fullkorn lefser, øl og revet ost, Og hvorfor velger du å kjøpe agurk når den koster hva 24kr? Det er 80% vann. Frukt og grønt sjappe å du får den for 10-12kr.

  2. What are you doing at Rema this week? The offers are at Coop*! (Which means Rema probably next week or the one after).

    *this week offers aren’t that special: green beans, blueberries, salad, soup and tp…

  3. Well. Beer is a big chunk of that I would guess. I can’t afford to drink. I just look longingly at an old, empty bottle of gin.

  4. Sjekk prisen på Karbonadedeig. Den pleide og vere billigere før. Ska smake helt likt, bare vere litt sunnere.

  5. Had you chosen to buy more cost effective products it wouldn’t be that expensive. All processed foods and beer.

    Edit: Where do you live? If you live in Oslo I would recommend going to Grønland Torg for fruit and vegetables. Will save you a lot.

  6. I find COOP cheaper. Also, Rema really peeved me off in January with that fantastic offer of 30% off oranges etc. where they artificially hiked up the so called original price.

  7. you guys are messed up if you don’t think this is expensive as hell, beer or not. lmao. in most of EU, a can of beer costs ~0.50€, and if you come @ me talking about the price difference, you don’t really get it. the price difference in Norway VS the rest of europe is insane.

  8. Whats the point of these retarded “hurr durr 12 bucks of badly chosen groceries at shitty stores” ??

  9. When I visit Norway with my fishing rod the food is free! I bring my own beer though…

  10. Kjøp en bøtte og en krukke med honning. Om et par måneder har du mjød

  11. If I were Norwegian I would only drink craft beer. In any other country (outside of Scandinavia) craft beer is many times more expensive than supermarket/industrially made beer, but in Norway I noticed that the price of very good craft beer in Vinmonopol wasn’t even higher than the price I pay here in France.
    So to me buying those supermarket beers in Norway makes no sense if for roughly the same price you can drink something actually good lol

  12. Lurer på hvor mye du betalte for revet ost, jeg river alltid selv så har aldri sjekket prisen på ferdig revet. Ofte er det jo ikke ost engang, men det du har kjøpt er helt tydelig ost. Hvis det ikke er ost, står det ikke ost på pakken slik det gjør her (da står det heller bare “revet” eller noe slikt).

  13. And another crazy part is that , since it is Taco-Friday. If you make a meal it would be over in 1-2 meals.😅

  14. Cheaper to buy a whole kg of cheese, also meat is like 70kr for 400gr.
    And the beers is 30kr + pant

  15. Hvorfor kjøper du oppskjært ost? Helt enig i at ting er dyrt. Men å være så øst å ikke radpe ost er bare utgift sløst vekk.

  16. The prices are insane, we are getting scammed. I see that everything you bought are all the cheapest brands. If you subtract the beers, which in total should cost about 110 nok, then the price of one basic bare minimum taco meal for two people costs 291.8 nok. That is absolutely insane. You could eat out for two or order food for two for that price.

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