A sitting member of parliament from the far-right party Perussuomalaiset suspected of a shooting in Helsinki

A sitting member of parliament from the far-right party Perussuomalaiset suspected of a shooting in Helsinki

by akukr

  1. Timo Vorna, a member of parliament of the far-right party Perussuomalaiset, is suspected of a shooting in the night of Helsinki and also a suspicion of aggravated assault and a firearms offence.

  2. Going to a bar in the middle of a week and having a gun is a bit of weird behavior from a parliament member who has highlighted the importance of security.

    Fun fact: Vornanen was a chairman of safety and preparedness in Pohjois-Karjala hyvinvointialue

  3. How much criminal action and racism can they flood us before they should be disbanded as organization in same way nazist organizations and biker gangs have been? Or have we reached that line already but court systems and prosecutors have not dared to touch them?

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