Italians do be like…

Italians do be like…

by Big-Depth-8339

  1. Ah yes, comparing the poorest dish of Italy that nobody eats to a basic ass stew with a lot of parsley on top to make it look decent. Why do northeners cope and seethe so hard?

  2. Legumes are literally good as hell lmao, if you have the taste buds of an 8 yrs old it isn’t our fault.

  3. A lot of Italians only eat lentils on New Year’s Eve. Legend says the more lentils you eat the more money you’ll make.

  4. If northern feel the urge to point every southern dish that is worst than one northern dish…

    It means that it is the exception. No one will do a meme about a southern dish being better than a northern one, because there would be too many to cover.

  5. Italy vs Nordicks on anything food related is an automatic Italian win, sorry.

    Even taking the absolute worst of it, if I had to I’d rather eat cheese with maggots than rotten fish.

  6. Also us being as rich as they are they tend to forget that their best chefs often come here because money.

    To explain to italians: Nordic = Mucho Money, Italian = Broke as fuck.

  7. Don’t fucking mess with my father’s *lentejas*.

    I will crush your skull if you do.

  8. Drop it daneboy. We can’t win this. We have to eat what our climate can produce, and they will win that battle. But just wait until we pump up enough oil and gas to heat up scandinavia and fry southern europe…

  9. Nordic cuisine is an oxymoron. Also, no human before you has called lenticchie “refined” it’s called “cucina povera”, indigent cuisine. Try (and cry) harder.

    Also, is that specimen of nordic “cuisine” (lol) normal or is it after you have digested it and placed it back into a plate?

  10. I’ve never seen more heartbroken eyes than my Italian relatives’ when I told them I enjoy the across the street local pizza place pizza more than any I’ve tried in Italy. Granted I’ve never been to southern Italy, where pizza is from, but still. I think they will never forgive me.

  11. A literal big ass nasty piece of shit that comes from an Italian has more flavour than anything that comes from the Nordic

    Also cmon man you’re Danish

    Please start existing first and then judge other people’s food bruh

  12. OP another post about Italian cuisine? You ok? Blink three times if you need help

  13. Doesn’t matter how much money nordic countries have, they cannot afford a palate.

  14. Lentils are often a side dish, as per *cotechino con lenticchie* or other kind of *secondo piatto*, coming after a *primo piatto*.

    So no, we don’t usually eat lentils alone (except on a diet).

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