The ‘peak boomer’ crisis might only get worse: A fifth of Americans 50 and up have no retirement savings, and the majority are worried they won’t have enough money

The ‘peak boomer’ crisis might only get worse: A fifth of Americans 50 and up have no retirement savings, and the majority are worried they won’t have enough money

by BousWakebo

  1. Whoa, they’re lumping GenX in with Boomers starting with age 50 there. GenX – forgotten again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

  2. Stop. Voting. Republican.

    There, fixed it for you.

    We have plenty of food, shelter & medicine for everyone. But *not* enough to give it to you *and* give 7000+ people their own private jets and yachts.

  3. I like how all the boomers in my family have zero life insurance and refuse to talk about it because it’s “not polite to talk about that stuff.” Because funerals are free these days, right? Not a financial burden at all…

  4. Yeah well, if the rising tide didn’t float their boat I don’t know what to fucking tell them, because their rich friends pulled the ladder up behind them. I guess get back to work, sir.

  5. This is my parents, zero dollars for retirement or savings, no life insurance, no property to sell when they pass, no long term care plans. Will literally just be a potential financial burden for the next 15-20 years. They do have a bunch of loans though so there’s that

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