East Bergholt WW2 veteran Walter Nixon dies aged 101

East Bergholt WW2 veteran Walter Nixon dies aged 101


by Alert-One-Two

  1. They jumped out of landing craft and ran towards beaches laid with wire, mines and machine guns that fire like this: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nKJNqDrkctk](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nKJNqDrkctk)

    Indeed “Hell on Earth.” It is amazing the boats didn’t sink under the weight of their humongous testicles. Rest in peace.

  2. It’s a shame that the country they fought for has been invaded by men on dinghies that hate white people and hate everything to do with white, English, western society culture. It breaks my heart that all those men died for 50 years of niceness until the flood gates opened and let in and paid for millions of immigrants.

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