86% of Americans don’t believe $7.25/hr is a high enough minimum wage

86% of Americans don’t believe $7.25/hr is a high enough minimum wage


by Yokepearl

  1. Do those respondents know that only a few hundred thousand people earn the min wage, and that it’s only a starter wage?

  2. Talk about spreading misinformation. No, the poll does not ask if “minimum wage is high enough.” It asks if this provides a “decent quality of life.”

    OP is blatantly lying and not even trying to hide it.

  3. $7.25 can not afford you basic necessities unless you have a support system of some kind….aka sugar daddy or sugar momma

  4. No one gets paid this. Like wtf has this thread turned into now? Months ago it was normal. This is turning into the newest QAnon style mass misinformation spread. I left Twitter because of this crap.

  5. So how could people get together to vote on changing this? Or anything for that matter? It’s like they keep local elections in my city a secret 😆

  6. The title and the image have different questions. Is minimum wage enough does not equatebis minimum wage enough for a decent quality of life.

  7. Who is the 14% that thinks that’s enough? It would have to be someone totally detached from reality.

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