Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Argues Presidents Must Be Allowed to Commit Federal Crimes or Democracy as We Know It Will Be Over

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito Argues Presidents Must Be Allowed to Commit Federal Crimes or Democracy as We Know It Will Be Over

  1. Well, then Biden should start comitting federal crimes to actually fix and modernize US democracy.

    I know US absolutely loves the individual, but the FPTP and two party systems seems to be complete trash, and parliamentary system altough imperfect does seem healthier as it allows for proportional representation, and it seems easier to vote for parties as oppose to tracking the personal opinions on every single issue for every single candidate. And if the parties start doing things you don’t like, then you can vote for another party on “your side” to send that message as oppose to switching to the other side which you disagree with on most issues. It also removes this mechanism where you are forced to support one party because the alternative is fucking insane in a binary choice.

    And imagine with a functional, proportional and representative parlament (or congress) then the disproportional and semi-undemocratic senate could also be trashed, so that shit can actually be done as oppose to these endless gridlocks whenever one party doesn’t control all branches.

  2. The republican-controlled supreme court is an embarassment to our country and to democracy.

    But if we work hard and hold both the presidency and the senate for the next fifteen years, we will see a liberal supreme court someday.

    Don’t get discouraged, get motivated. Get motivated and vote blue

  3. Alito: “I cherish peace with all my heart. I don’t care how many men, women, and children the president needs to kill to get it.”

  4. What a disgusting, traitorous piece of shit. How fucked in the head you got to be for that to be a logical statement. Fuck the SCOTUS. Fuck’em.

  5. Sounds like a great idea. Maybe Biden will start by arresting half of the Supreme Court for their blatant disregard for the constitution.

  6. This is a really kooky distinction the conservatives are trying to carve out between official acts and private acts of the President. As rational human beings, we have the ability to discern between an “official” act that was done to promote criminality and one that was done in the execution of presidential duties. That what indictments and trials are for. They are willfully ignoring the facts of Trump’s case and trying to arrive at some kind of silly platonic ideal of presidential immunity that has never, in 250 years of our Republic, been necessary. It’s such a patented naked attempt to help Trump whose only hope of avoiding jail is winning this election. The Supreme Court is a sullied and broken institution.

  7. War is peace

    Freedom is slavery

    Ignorance is strength

    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

  8. Biden should just arrest all the Republican judges and send them to Guantanamo.

    “Officially” of course.

  9. Biden should tell the public that the first thing he would do if there is presidential immunity is to fire every conservative Supreme Court justice aka have them forcibly removed because you know why ? Because HE CAN because he’ll be immune to prosecution of any kind.

  10. Shall we test this theory by Biden having the SC arrested and detained in Guantanemo bay indefinitely?

  11. By that logic Biden can just kill his political rivals? Or any president for that matter? We need term limits. This shit is delusional.

  12. Does Someone have some serious incriminating video of him ? Something is so off with these supreme , it’s like they all have been compromised or setup.

  13. Sounds like they are sending Biden a clear message on how to clear out the Supreme Court.

    It is, after all part of his official duties to protect the union and nominate new justices.

  14. Would that include Biden forcefully removing the last three Supreme Court appointments and replacing them without senate approval?

  15. We need some means of removing judges from the Supreme Court. They are given lifetime appointments so as to avoid political influence. Well that obviously isnt working.

    The Supreme Court needs accountability. It is completely corrupt.

  16. Well then I hope Biden takes alito up on his offer & the president sends him & maybe a few other SCOTUS justices to gitmo.

  17. So how long until we hit the Forever Purge? I don’t like slippery slope arguments but *come the hell on.*

  18. The SCOTUS continues to be illegitimate, and puppeteering for the federalist society with their bought partisan hacks.

  19. Serious? What a disgrace to the justice system … all the lawyers should revolt against this

  20. Biden: *points gun* “you said I was immune”

    Alito: *sweats* “I didn’t mean y…” *bang*

    Edit: not advocating violence, but this is a scary thought.

  21. Just hypothetically and I am not advocating anything, if a sitting President can eliminate a political rival by any means and that not be considered a crime, could a supreme court justice be considered a political rival?

    Because these guys are making some weird decisions.

  22. I mean I can’t believe the abject stupidity of this.  If they accept that a president can just prosecute whoever they want for evil purposes, then why are only former presidents immune?  Why does Biden simply not charge Mike Johnson or political opponents with actual power (most former presidents effectively leave the game except some campaigning)?  And why the ever living fuck would immunity be the remedy to a problem that hasn’t come up in 250 years?  

  23. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison would have wept with despair if they could have seen the future.

  24. I tell you what, if Presidential Immunity goes through, Biden should immediately make some changes to the Supreme Court.

    Congress too. Can’t have them impeaching him, after all.

  25. So if Biden says someone should kill Alito as an “official act” its … its ok…? This is the world this fuck is forming?

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