Lidl fruit quality

This is a serious health concern and it is happening in plain sight.

How can they still be in business?

by Classic_Cry529

  1. If you are talking about the mold, you can just point out, they will remove it.

  2. It happens all the time in large non-discounted German supermarkets, as well.

    I remember to see often people in Rewe/Edeka picking fruits with mold, as they had some impressive discounts.

  3. I see this at all types of stores. Cactus, Delhaize, etc.

    Just curious – are you North American? I ask because I’m Canadian and I was shocked by produce and bread going moldy here much more quickly. I think we spray stuff on our produce and put ingredients in our bread to prevent that (which may not be so healthy at the end of the day).

  4. It happens to all fruit in all supermarkets. The difference is how often the supermarket check and remove them. All of them are supposed to do it a few times a day, but if you know German discounters and how little staff they have then it’s not surprising to run into something like this

  5. Glad that your picture includes the 30% off label, now you know what the catch is

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