London investors told Sinn Féin-led government would be ‘more New Labour than Corbyn Labour’

London investors told Sinn Féin-led government would be ‘more New Labour than Corbyn Labour’

by VindictiveCardinal

  1. Sinn Fein telling investors they’ll morph into anything they (the investors) want them to be. In other words they’re exactly like FFG.

  2. To be the government you need the majority of votes.

    The majority of votes yearn for centre-right parties it appears.

    Therefore you must be a centre-right party to win.

  3. >It says that Sinn Féin “advocates maintaining the status quo on excess corporate tax receipts”

    How does this fit with SF calling for the EU to find against Ireland on the Apple Tax case? The status quo on one hand, have Ireland branded as a tax haven involved in illegal state aid on the other. Whatever your having yourself I suppose

  4. Sinn Gael propose a wealth tax on assets over 1 million : They have no method or explanation as to how they will ensure this is done or applied fairly. 

    They propose to build tens of thousands of social homes: there are no construction staff available to build these extra homes and the lead in times to do so mean even if there was their projections are nonsense. 

    They are pro Palestine most of the time: though sometimes though they’ll slap on the leprechaun hat and do an oul jig for uncle joe as its important to be ‘engaged’. 

    Pro immigration: until votes start to slip and then they harden up their rhetoric 

    Essentially they go with the flow of the target demographic they have identified. They are riding high as they are not FFG and anything else is better but in reality they are as superficial as the rest of the big two parties. 

  5. Momentary panic in Iraq and Afganistan then googles Irish Military strength.

  6. I’m genuinely surprised people are shocked by this – history shows us most parties ideologically far left or far right who get it on a protest vote end up governing from somewhere in the middle.

  7. I dont understand how this is being framed as a bad thing?

    It’s how they spend the money that’s the key here 

  8. Corbyn Labour was mostly New Labour with bad PR. His policies were very popular once you didn’t tell people whose policies they were.

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