The suffering of the sheep after mistreatment is not yet over: the animal was found to have been illegally slaughtered when the police arrived.

The suffering of the sheep after mistreatment is not yet over: the animal was found to have been illegally slaughtered when the police arrived.

by TrickorBetrayed

  1. I wish this will be the first man who goes to jail because of the newly extended law that gives animals and living creatures more rights.

  2. How can you “illegaly” slaughter a farm animal? I mean I get the mistreatment part, but how do you “legally” slaughter your own property?

  3. > Een officiƫle klacht ontvingen wij niet, maar op basis van de wet Dierenwelzijn zijn we maandag ter plaatse gegaan met de bedoeling om het schaap in beslag te nemen. Aangekomen bij de woning van de verdachte hebben we echter vastgesteld dat het schaap reeds illegaal geslacht was.

    Somewhere in my pessimistic mind I wonder if the cops deliberatly took this long knowing full well the sheep would already be slaughtered and cut up so they have less work dealing with a living sheep/whole carcass.

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