Methane emissions: Australian cattle industry suggests shift from net zero target to ‘climate neutral’ approach | Meat industry

Methane emissions: Australian cattle industry suggests shift from net zero target to ‘climate neutral’ approach | Meat industry

by GeraldKutney

  1. Meat industry: Pwease don’t make us stop destroying the planet! What if we just destroy it a little less?

    [Beef produces 85 kg COe per kg of food; by comparison tofu produces 2.9 kg CO2e per kg of food.](

    [A meat-heavy diet is responsible for 3.3 tons CO2e per year.]( (p.s. We have to get to 2 tons per person to avert catastrophic climate change.)

  2. Omg this is such a bunch of bs. I read the article and as far as I can tell “climate neutral” is meant to mean “we pledge to emit greenhouse gases at the same rate we are currently doing” which of course they’ve already achieved by mere definition

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