You couldn’t have just used a knife Pierre?

You couldn’t have just used a knife Pierre?

by swamperogre2

  1. Thanks to this I just realized there is no law preventing me from building one. I think I have found my next long term DIY project.

    **Marseillaise intensifies**

  2. Americunts can’t even use our kitchen tools properly. There’s a hole in the wooden block to put his garbage bread in.

  3. >You couldn’t have just used a knife Pierre?

    What would be the fun in that ?

  4. Two points of trivia I know:

    1. Cutting bagels on average results in more kitchen knife accidents than cutting any other item. Its round shape, hard outside, and soft inside make it highly likely to cause injury.
    2. The human head likewise is round, hard on the outside, and soft inside.

    Conclusion: It was only a matter of time.

  5. Sorry, but as I watch the start of the video I’m just sitting here thinking about how I’d need to wash several extremelly wierd parts of a device instead of just one knife. And trying to fit that guillotine in a washing machine would be even worse.

    Edit – Why do people like baggles so much? They’re not that good. I guess I’d have to be American to get it.

  6. on second thought it’s most likely for children or physically disabled people.

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