Paul Ryan says he won’t vote for Trump: ‘I’m gonna write in a Republican’

Paul Ryan says he won’t vote for Trump: ‘I’m gonna write in a Republican’

  1. Fine. Good enough.

    If that’s what makes Republicans feel better, do that. The math is the same.

    You don’t have to like Biden to acknowledge that Trump misled you. He doesn’t deserve your vote.

    Edit: You fucking pedants, I know the math isn’t the **same**. Stop sending me your proofs. The point is that the overall math would mean a Biden win.

  2. Does what a coward, who left Congress to make money in the private sector rather than deal with his own dysfunctional party, thinks even matter?

  3. Who? The guy that bailed on America rather than hold accountable the traitors in his party? “That’s how you know we’re a family”

  4. Typical coward. So glad this clown was never the vice president

  5. Trump’s base not voting for Trump is a win for Biden. Hopefully, RFKJ continues to help with this.

  6. Lol. He’s voting for Trump. Voting for anyone else would require a spine, which Paul Ryan was born without.

  7. Brave, Brave Paul Ryan

    He bravely ran away

    when accountability raised its fearsome head

    He bravely turned around and fled

    brave, brave Paul Ryan

  8. Just a reminder to Republican voters:

    If you want lower taxes, 2nd Amendment protections, and more border enforcement, you don’t have to elect an unhinged criminal lunatic like Trump to get those things.. ANY Republican Presidential candidate will be in favor of those policies.

  9. Good for you for not going the Bill Barr route.

    Still can’t believe Bill Barr went the Bill Barr route. He must not have kids – otherwise he would be too concerned about losing all respect for himself with his kids watching him.

  10. Niki Haley’s going to get like a million write-in votes from Republicans.

  11. Let’s get the ball rolling on the “not a real Republican” thing. I know they are doing it to save face for the future and try to disown their own monster and brand they created, but if the leftest 20% of the right doesn’t vote for Trump, itll be a landslide for Biden.

  12. >Paul Ryan says he won’t vote for Trump: ‘I’m gonna write in a Republican’

    I give him partial credit for this stance. I wish he would go all the way and state that in our ‘binary’ system, we have to pick from two candidates. One is imperfect and the other is pure evil. Therefore, I will vote for the imperfect guy.

    He gets some bonus points for stating this publicly since it gives other Republicans a license to not vote for Trump.

  13. Any republican that might convince other republicans not to vote Trump should have that action welcomed. We don’t have to applaud the man but it helps Biden and this is one time to not shit on Ryan.

  14. I’ve been waiting to see how this dude started inching back into politics publicly. Fuck you and what you did to Wisconsin.

  15. I used to live in his district and I hope he gets some other Republicans to do the same, everything makes a difference in Wisconsin

  16. Was he the one who had his portrait in the invertebrate wikipedia article?

  17. “I won’t for Trump, but I’m damned if I vote for Biden” – Paul Ryan

  18. I mean I guess that’s good, but how come they are so apathetic to the country they can’t vote for someone from a different party?

    Cool, you’re not voting for Trump, but you are still part of the problem.

  19. All these Republicans finally “turning” on Trump just because he’s now a political anchor can go straight to hell. They just want a more effective fascist dictator.

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