‘Looks Like S**t’: Trump Loses It In Unhinged Nighttime Rant At Cable News Host

‘Looks Like S**t’: Trump Loses It In Unhinged Nighttime Rant At Cable News Host


  1. O’Donnell looks pretty great to me which doubtless triggered the shambling, soiled diaper of a defendant.

  2. Did von ShitzinPantz try to make some sort of attempt at being punny with the use of MSDNC or did he just have a brain fart at the exact moment he voided his bowels?

  3. The best part is that he signs his posts with “DJT”.

    People signing their own Facebook posts is pure hilarity. Like, we fucking know who posted it, Don.

  4. The man can’t help but project can he. He’s getting self-conscious about his physical appearance. The current media coverage is painting him as the doddering old fool that he is and it’s burning him up inside.

  5. Seems like every headline concerning Trumps statements somewhere contain the word “ unhinged “ , or “ rant “ lol

  6. Can’t believe half of America is voting for this idiot. He talks like he is still in middle school with all the insults and name calling

  7. Trump’s face looks like someone hastily spray painted a weatherbeaten tarp draped over a pile of manure traffic safety orange and hot glue gunned a couple handfuls of hay on top but sure go off on other people’s personal appearance.

  8. “A real loser” says the man who’s the defendant in a criminal proceeding.

  9. Anyone catch Lawerence on Alex’s show last night? When discussing the golf tournament, he literally used the words hole and pornstar in the same sentence about four times.

    Rachel Maddow couldn’t help but laugh on and off camera. Objectively funny.

  10. The point Trump is trying to make is that his base needs to target him. Trump wants him hurt.

  11. What’s with the 70+ demographic (including Trump) and being fixated on cable tv news? Barely seems relevant at this point

  12. I hate attacking people based on their physical appearance. But damn, this guy makes it really hard. For a guy who looks like he does to attack others based on their looks…that’s a high level of delusional lack of self-awareness.

  13. Hey VonShitzInPantz, you are undergoing a criminal trial , you are farting in court, you are falling asleep, you are rambling and drooling, and you are calling a reporter names?

  14. Im so tired of trump and his petty ass immature BS nick names that he puts on anyone that isnt 100% loyal to him. He isnt running to be president, he is running from justice.

  15. Donny Diapers says *O’Donnell* looks like shit? Pretty bold talk from a guy who *SMELLS* like shit!

  16. Can’t intimidate a witness, the judge, or judge’s family so he goes for this. He has absolutely no self-control.

  17. Trump is like a crack addict when it comes to berating people. With the gag order and threats of prison, he’s being careful now. So he saw O’Donnell and thought…wait i can talk shit about him….let me get my fix!!! Lol

  18. I do not understand how a man who is reportedly passing gas in court, smells like crap, and wears a diaper can fix his mouth to insult anyone? How is that possible when people have so much more ammo to use against him?

  19. Even Judge “Crooked” Cannon can’t rescue this shit bag from the inevitable. I don’t believe he will be able to run come November. His mental decline is worsening.

  20. Lawrence was there last week as well. Trump saw him and glared, so he talked about it on his show. Trump watches the show, apparently, because the next day he wouldn’t even glance Lawrence’s way 😂 so if he’s “truthing” about it now…..he must be REALLY pissed 😂

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