Are Americans losing their taste for Starbucks? “The whole concept got old,” one customer said.

Are Americans losing their taste for Starbucks? “The whole concept got old,” one customer said.

by lurker_bee

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  2. The stores themselves seem to be less comfortable and welcoming than they originally were. Fewer comfortable seats where you can settle in for a while, brighter lights etc.

  3. Hating on Starbucks is nearly as old as Starbucks. I’m sure people here will have no shortage of complaints to blame their decreasing business on. That being said, the whole fast food industry is taking a beating. There’s no reason to single Starbucks out as doing anything wrong that the entire industry isn’t also doing wrong.

  4. I prefer other places that have better coffee and faster lines.

  5. I prefer my overpriced shitty coffee to include a living wage for their employees that also doesnt participate is skeevy union busting antics.

    Starbucks can get fucked by a sad clown with a chainsaw for a cock.

  6. Their products have become essentially sugar water like most corporations. This one is coffee flavored. I also disliked how they treated the unions so I’ve been Starbucks free now for a very long time. They poopoo the union thing but I think it turned a lot of people off.

  7. Well, Starbucks barely serves coffee. The menu is mostly milkshakes and sugar water.

  8. I only ever considered Starbucks as a place to go to get work done (like go there to write or code games), and usually just ground my own beans with a manual grinder and used a pourover, but my SO started getting into a Starbucks habit, so we ended getting it almost every day for way too long (at least a year, if not two).

    Now our normal order of two drinks is charged $14 by Starbucks (I think it was just over $10 when it started becoming a habit), which is just nuts, and I hated spending so much on coffee.

    But early this year, we used some Crate & Barrel gift cards to knock a few hundred bucks off an espresso machine that also makes ice coffee, so it ended up being $350 total, and that was enough to get my SO to mostly kick the Starbucks habit (I think we’ve gone four times in the past three months).

    And the money we’ve saved from Starbucks paid for that espresso machine in a little over a month. ($350 for the machine / $14 per Starbucks visit = 25 Starbucks visits).

    We still give Starbucks money for their blonde roast espresso beans though, since she decided she still prefers the taste of it after we gave a few beans a try (personally I prefer a different one, but whatever, it’s still good), but that’s only $13 per bag, and the bags seem to last roughly 2 weeks each, so we’re still saving a ton of money.

  9. My local coffee shop isnt trying to raid my wallet everytime I walk through the door I guess.

  10. Of all the things to stop wasting money on, this should be high on the list.

  11. Because Starbuck makes really bad products for unacceptable prices.

  12. Most people now realize Starbucks is awful coffee. Ordered an iced coffee there once because I was in desperate need of caffeine and received a watered down abomination of a beverage.

  13. Has anyone ever noticed that when they get an iced beverage from Starbucks, that it’s literally filled to the top with ice, so by the time you take three sips, it’s gone. Such a waste of money for a shot of sugar water. It happened twice, and I won’t go back.

  14. Think I’ve only been twice? Where I live independent cafes rule. The only chain store doing well would be Columbus.

  15. I was never much for *$ when it was trendy, so I can’t say whether they’re going downhill or not. The thing about trendy, though, whether it’s any good or not, is that before long, the next generation shows up, and whatever was trendy with the last generation by default becomes untrendy.

    Always buy deep puts on trendy.

  16. It is lots of things.

    1. it is expensive, If you are feeling the pinch giving up a $7 coffee is an easy fix.

    2. a lot more competition. Even McDs is upping their coffee game. Have you seen how many coffee options at 7-11, Wawa, etc? Never mind local coffee shops opening all over. Many of these options charge 1/2 the price.

    3. they don’t seem to be as welcoming as they used to be.

    4. personally I don’t love their coffee.


  17. It’s finally hitting that “becoming too expensive” at a time when food/goods are already costing the American consumer too much

    And it’s a luxury item. Easy to cut out. You can make coffee at home if you really need to save money. And save 10 bucks a trip (that’s upwards of $50 a week for some people!)

    It’s really this simple.

  18. They cranked the prices too high and they have actual competition, albeit not very much of that.

    I mean, it’s a shake you pretend is coffee so you can get a fuck ton of sugar & caffeine in you to make it through your 5th 12 hour shift on 4 hours of sleep. At some point you look for alternatives.

  19. Starbucks is a luxury brand. I like their products but when I have other priorities I can skip it when it comes to money.

  20. Pricing is high. Also I’ve said this before about Starbucks- their coffee really isn’t very good. They made their hay from their menu and all the other kinds of drinks which people I’m guessing are slowing down on drinking bc they’re astronomical amount of sugar for adults and less parents are giving 10 dollars to their teenage girls for a Frappuccino something something

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