I’m running a small, personal project called Dogs of Belfast where I photograph various dogs I meet on my travels through the city. Here are a few I’ve met so far.

I’m running a small, personal project called Dogs of Belfast where I photograph various dogs I meet on my travels through the city. Here are a few I’ve met so far.

by niamh_io

  1. Not one of those dogs look happy to see you.

    Welcome back, Ulster Fry King.

  2. Beautiful photos! Just gave you a follow on Instagram- your dogs are gorgeous😍

  3. Number 4 definitely votes for DUP, his posture reminds of a guy who was in Newry at the end of April

  4. Great photos and a very enjoyable break from the normal stuff posted here.

  5. Yeah, dawgs are cool, but I’d much prefer to see photos of pussies.

  6. Love them all. Equally. I love seeing stuff like this on Social Media. Brings so much joy.

  7. Follow @verzbelfast on Insta. He is a local street artist and has been painting his Dogs on the Streets’ series on walls for years. Usually rescue dogs

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