Love original animated Disney movies? Too bad, Bob Iger says they plan to “lean on sequels” for a while | Sequels for days.

Love original animated Disney movies? Too bad, Bob Iger says they plan to “lean on sequels” for a while | Sequels for days.

  1. I hate this idea that sequels are bad or comic movies are bad or people are tired of x, y, and z… Just make a good movie, none of those other things should matter. Blaming content on genre is like blaming flavor on the name. An apple will still taste good even if it’s called a shittple, and you’ve had a thousand of them. You can still pick up a shittple and think, “hey, that’s pretty good.”

  2. Very short sighted. In 10 years and all their IP is as stale as week old toast they are fucked.

  3. Reminds me of the 90s when every animated movie got a direct to VHS sequel or two, or a TV series.

  4. I love sequels if they aren’t rushed so they can develop a good story

  5. Disney parks are a huge portion of Disney’s revenues. Sequel help them in establishing, areas, rides, merchandise that have longevity. I think this is the main reason for this shift.

    You have a Toy Story area with rides, restaurants, merchandise. If they don’t come out with new movies interest in this area slowly diminishes. Things them building up each movie as a brand to expand and grow.

  6. So, the exact opposite thing from what they said a few years ago.

  7. Should anyone be surprised by this? You can’t say that Disney haven’t tried to produce animated originals for theatrical release, they’ve just been one bomb after another: Onward, Turning Red, Strange World, Wish and so on. You can’t expect Disney to continue making movies like this if no one goes to watch them.

  8. If they’re good I think that’s smart, because most people will watch the first movie again to be on board fr the second one.

  9. They’ve released multiple original movies the last few years to poor to mid box office results so it’s not that surprising, unfortunate but not surprising.

    Looking forward to Redditors automatically hating something without bothering to watch it.

  10. People complain and then when Disney puts out Onward, Raya and the Last Dragon and Wish and no one watches. A lot more people will watch a mediocre Moana 2 than an original mediocre film, Disney is not interested in being creative.

  11. Wild idea: maybe folks should spend their money and actually go out to see and support these original movies instead of bitching and complaining on YouTube about twitter. Shocking 😱

  12. Disney and the rest of Hollywood is not making really anything new. All they want is sequels and reboots. The reason a lot of these movies did well is because they were new or told in a new way.

  13. Hope people commenting on this article are self aware enough to realize that you are part of the problem. I was just posting over on r/boxoffice how every time a studio or video game company tries to do something truly unique and original it flops hard. Absolutely no one supports it with their wallets.

    And so as a result, we get SEQUELS, SEQUELS, AND MORE SEQUELS!!! With a side of PREQUELS and REMAKES!

    Look in the mirror to see who is responsible for this.

  14. Let’s be honest.

    People say they want original movies, fresh voices, new ideas.

    But look where the money goes.

  15. They’ve been doing this lazy shit for thirty years, it’s not a new trend 

  16. they are so flip floppy. I started working at Pixar in 2008 when they announced one original, and one sequel every year, and then a couple sequels came out in a row, and now it’s just all crazy. Not that I really care, it paid the bills And working with my team was more fun than watching the movies.

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