‘Eat the Boomers’: How to repay America’s national debt

‘Eat the Boomers’: How to repay America’s national debt


by FUSeekMe69

  1. Another ludicrous commentary based on envy and jealously not basic economics and math.

    We have a debt problem because Congress has been spending more than revenue since WW2. It is not the fault of the baby boomers who saved and invested over the last 80 years while Congress squandered our future.. The solution has nothing to do with taxes. All the commentary on increasing the taxes on the rich and eat the rich and now eat the baby boomers is attacking the wrong problem. The problem is SPENDING. President Trump lowered taxes with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and revenue INCREASED 40% between 2018 and 2022 AND YET the deficit continued to increase because Congress SPENT more than the revenue increase.

    We will never get the debt under control untill Congress gets spending under control. They need to slow spending GROWTH to less than economic growth. The result would be a balanced budget and a beginning of paying down the debt without cutting spending and wuithout raising taxes. It is just math.

  2. Bullshit. Oh, we’ll tax the hell out of the rich for sure. But it’s bullshit that it won’t be immediately spent on more foreign wars, subsidies to donor industries, whatever other handouts that are most deserving, like college loan forgiveness. Bullshit that anything will be done to address the deficit/ debt crisis.

  3. Just more fuel for the inter-generational fire to divert us from the Plutocracy that has placed us in this predicament. If the “system” is left in place there is little hope to escape from it.

  4. Eat the boomer? You had a typo. The word is rich. You can try to divide us as much as you want. We see through. My friends and family that are boomers are still working or “half” employed to keep up with the cost of living. We know the numbers. It is the rich who has increased their pocket size, not the boomers

  5. Well, that wouldn’t be *class solidarity* now would it?

    Rich Asshole is still on the menu.

  6. Why not just eat the rich? A lot of boomers aren’t multimillionaires or billionaires

  7. The most politically appealing way to pay off the debt is to inflate it away, because congress doesnt need to pass anything to make that happen. Unfortunately this is bound to happen, which will hurt poor boomers more worse than rich boomers. Get ready for a bumpy ride

  8. Most boomers arnt even rich. Most of them did vote for trickledown reganomics though and have little to show for it.

  9. Boomers control 50% of all wealth in the US, roughly $78 trillion while Millennials control 8.5%. it’s time to stop taking income from Millennials and redistributing it to Boomers. They have enough and they can afford to spread some of that wealth around. They didn’t contribute enough towards Social Security and it shouldn’t come down to Millennials to make up the difference. They ran up the national debt for their own benefit and we are left with a mess to clean up. We should start increasing taxes on Boomers specifically to get them out of oversized homes they don’t need so that Millennials can have enough space to raise a family. That window is closing for millennials and we might have a massive baby bust if we don’t act quickly.

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