Donald Trump loses battleground state poll for first time in six months

Donald Trump loses battleground state poll for first time in six months

  1. Oh dear, how could this be bad for biden? Its not. Its bad for Shittin Don

  2. I don’t trust polls, but not surprised his support is (finally) waning.

  3. Seems like the RFK GOP plan might be back firing. If you look at his platform it was built to take from Trump. Conspiracy vs the “deepstate” and I’m a well known rich guy.

  4. “I can’t wait to see Trump’s reaction to this. Will he blame it on ‘fake news’ or come up with some other excuse for his plummeting popularity?

  5. Here come all the people with comments about how inaccurate polls are and how they don’t “trust” polls, blah blah blah blah. Same comments every. single. time.

    It’s a poll, 6 months before the election. Yes, things will change between now and then. No, this is not a sampling from every single voter in the entire country like an actual vote is.

    It’s just a poll, and it’s **assumed** to be inaccurate for those very reasons. However, this does not make it completely worthless, it’s an estimate of the current state of the election, it helps guide campaigns on where and how they should focus their limited resources, there’s some *statistics* involved that help make the inaccurate, limited polling of just a small handful of people show how a larger sampling would react.

    Just take polling for what it is. We don’t need the endless, whiny, comments about polls every damned time a poll is posted.

  6. I really wish these stupid headlines would go away, the only people who polls matter to this far out are literally the people working for the campaigns.

    Every single one of those polls are only useful to people fine-tuning a message to the general public. I get that they want to publish “something” everyday but maybe they could focus on actual things like doing deep dives like asking hard questions or not caring so much about access and focusing on doing the job of asking hard questions, digging up information and overall informing people rather than what seems to be the main focus of “Look at me, I have nothing to add to the general conversation but I only get money from clicks so I’ll churn out nonsense so people will look”.

    It might surprise journalists at media outlets that many of us would absolutely give them money for articles if they had a “tip jar”, especially if they did real reporting rather than parroting whatever thing comes out of the mouths of the powerful. Oh and enough with the stupid polls, they’re useless to the average public right now.

    Edited: words.

  7. Just wait until we get closer and these polls have a bit more meaning.

    Regardless, get out and vote. Vote hard! Make everyone you know get out and vote. Help them get to polling stations. This vote will kick Trump to the curb!!

  8. >However, many experts and academics have cautioned against relying on polls to try to predict the outcome of the election rematch. Thomas Gift, who heads the Centre on U.S. Politics at University College London, previously told Newsweek that reading too much into polls was “a fool’s errand.” “Polls are so variable at this point that the only consistent insight we can glean from them is that Biden and Trump are neck and neck—not only nationally but in key swing states,” he said.

    Newsweek should have put this quote at the beginning of this article and every other polling article they publish.


    Newsweek is using the phrase “Battleground State” to hide the fact that they are talking about Arizona. Trump has been behind in other battleground state polls.

  10. I want to see what proportion they say Biden will win in Washington, then we can see the skew

  11. Why does it seem like the only articles about polls showing Trump behind are from Newsweek?

  12. Cool beans. Doesn’t matter – vote! If you can legally vote then do it. Doesn’t matter if you’re the only one voting for Biden or one of everyone else or what the polls or what the news say – VOTE!

  13. Vote. Make a plan. Get others to vote. Polls like this are interesting but all that really matters is voting.

  14. Feels weird saying this, but thank you Newsweek for not consulting Trump’s PR team to find an approved photo of him posing as a fake strong man for the camera. More outlets need to do this.

  15. Polling has been way off with a Republican State Senator losing their seat in a wipe out in MI yesterday. Every poll has been on average 11 points off since Roe V. Wade was over turned. Now with states taking rights we will see an even much larger shift. Fox news even talks about this new phenomenon. Everyone vote to make a statement and realize a close race is a good motivator not a good measure.

  16. Dems should make an ad of what stormy said about Trump telling her she looked like his daughter.

    And show the pictures where ivanka is riding his junk.

    Should make anyone cringe

    I know it’s low. But you have to go lower with this mf. Anything to keep him off the presidency

  17. Don’t take anything for granted- we need a win for democracy this fall!

  18. Why do I keep reading about his lead in the polls, yet also keep hearing about his election loses?

    Are the polls wrong, or am I simply being told about the results he was already likely to lose?? (Meaning the overall polls are right)

  19. This is what happens the more he is in the news. People have the attention spans of gnats. But when this twatwaffle is constantly in your face, the politically disconnected people remember the chaos and they don’t want it.

  20. This clown should have no chance– a snowballs chance in 2030 thanks to climate change deniers– at winning. None! Just a bunch of random nutcases.

    There are some seriously disgusting people in this country. I wish they’d just move to Russia already since they like fascist dick-tators so much.

  21. To me the biggest News last week from Donald Dumped court case was went the witness said he paid to rig only poll. I guess the money is really low now for this 🍊orange 💩.

  22. How in the fuck could he ever win any poll at any time? How fucking stupid are people?

  23. It’s a rude awakening for him and his supporters. The U.S. has come much too far to revert back to the 1850s, and as it turns out, the American People do not want a Putin thug as their U.S. President. Simply put, democracy wins in the United States.

  24. “Grab em by the pussy” should have been the end of this nonsense, and wasn’t.

  25. The best part is that he lost over a hundred thousand votes to nicki haley. Who dropped out of the race several months ago. lol

  26. Criminal trial is devastating to Trump. Anybody who supports him cannot defend to their mothers, daughters, and wives what has been revealed this week. GOP is in silent mode and shame upon anybody who supports this man should be immediate.

  27. Polls are bullshit and lied about.

    Get your ass out there and vote. These types of articles are trying to get people to stay home and not vote because they think trump is gonna win.

  28. Polls don’t typically have much semblance of accuracy until after Labor Day.

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