Remove Aileen Cannon petitions pass 300K signatures

Remove Aileen Cannon petitions pass 300K signatures

  1. Public outrage is often necessary for those in position of authority to take action. If widespread public opinion can help influence those who can act into acting, then it’s not worthless. When people are content to just grumble to themselves, nobody feels pressured to do anything, nothing happens and people keep quietly grumbling. Just sign the damn petition if it comes to you.

  2. Sadly think it almost takes an act of Congress to remove her and Republicans are not going to remove someone who is willing to obey orders to point of looking incompetent. Loyalty like that hard to come by.

  3. If I had a billion dollars for every time a petition like this did anything I would still be poor.

  4. You are all forgetting the subsection of the Constitution, Article LXIX, which gives []( the power to impeach judges when they get 420,000 signatures

  5. It could have 200 million signatures and billboards across Florida and it will make 0 difference to these corrupt assholes. The opinions of us regular folk mean nothing.

  6. If she is too busy then the government is obligated to find another judge to take over to afford trump his right to a speedy trial.

  7. Impeach Cannon, and the senate corporate democrats that didn’t block her nomination.

  8. 300k is nothing. 1.5 million signatures were amassed for a petition to remove Amner Heard from Aquaman. 20 million signatures would day something.

    I don’t think the will is there yet. Most people – even democrats – aren’t holding their breath. They’re taking a wait and see approach. Partly because they don’t expect him to receive justice and partly because there are so many cases against him.

  9. Can we petition Newsweek to find a different portrait of the traitor judge once in a while?

  10. No judge should be able to preside over a case involving any person involved in their nomination or appointment.

    We have *plenty* of judges.

  11. Write your member of Congress and get them to propose legislation that makes it so no judge can preside over a case pertaining to the person who appointed them to their position.

  12. This thread is depressingly defeatist. Every one of you saying this is a worthless gesture could have chosen to say nothing, but instead chose to tear down people trying anything. Perfect is the enemy of good.

  13. Maybe “Jail Cannon” might get more traction?

    YES, I know it’s unrealistic – let me have my fantasies.

  14. Can we ask for the removal of a few Supreme Court justices in the petition.

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