NSFW drone cuts Russians legs off

NSFW drone cuts Russians legs off

by kriger33

  1. Idk why the video makes it look like nighttime, and he’s under a spotlight.

  2. Kind of like keeping that last zombie alive to crawl around while pack a punching before the next round.

  3. Sorry Mariya, we only found half a body so you only get half a bag of onions

  4. All orcs should see what terror awaits them in Ukraine. Better more of know and rise up against Putler.

  5. If you live,call Barnom and Bailey you could be Orc Thumb at 2’3″.

  6. Every time I say this is the worst horror scene I watched, I get a new video on this sub to surpass it.

  7. Inconceivable how the Russian populace can allow this insanity to continue. Their resignation of all decision-making and their lives to the decrees of a madman are mind-numbing. What a phucking waste. Hopefully sooner than later the destruction of their lives and material by Ukraine’s heroic efforts will bring an end to this stupidity.

  8. Man modern warfare is so shitty. Fighting for your fucking life and some guy miles away just blows your legs off with an Xbox 360 controller. And the entire internet is just trolling you. Jesus.

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