Mother of a Russian occupier wonders if she should vote again

Mother of a Russian occupier wonders if she should vote again

by BigDeckBob

  1. Putin’s worried about CIA funded, Ukrainian bred, bio engineered *mosquitoes* when in reality it’s pissed off mothers with nothing left to lose that he needs be concerned about.

  2. You forgot a very important point woman, to understand the full scale of the problem.

    “(Under Putin …) YOUR son went to another country and stole from, raped, bombed and killed people.”

  3. Why the hell did you send him into the cadets and then the army under a tyrant if you’re now upset he died? Putin turned your son into a murderous fascist. He got what he deserved.

  4. Yes, and now your “president” wants you to have more babies he can send to die on the frontlines.

  5. This serf will vote for the next boot on her neck and in the house light a candle under its portrait in honour.

  6. She should be proud she can put flowers on his tombstone for the rest of her life.

    She should be proud that her son died for the imperialistic greed of a tyrant terrorist.

    I hope the Lada and bag of onions were worth his senseless death.

    Slava Ukraini!

  7. Good for her, congrats on spending the rest of your life in a death camp or being poisoned.

  8. Is it FIFO or FAFO… I get confused.. both acronyms are in my life…

    There is also stay home… which I’ve done since March 2020… its not that hard.

  9. He is no longer your president.

    He is now your Supreme leader for life until he dies.

  10. And under your president you are going to receive a bag of potatoes, or turnips.

  11. It’s like her son has finished “The School of Care for Sick Puppies” and became a victim of a road accident when carrying them puppies.

  12. Hopefully, this turns into a trend. 150k+ mourning Russian mothers posting similar videos would be powerful and eye-opening for Russia. They wouldn’t be able to look away.

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