Well well would you look at these bellends

Well well would you look at these bellends

by mcheeks619

  1. Robin Swann not on this list.

    Either he couldnt be arsed voting, not going to rule it out.


    He once again showed why he was too “moderate” to lead the “moderate unionists”

  2. 2 down 4 across. Ffs Pamela Ballantine’s a cunt.

    And I always loved her

  3. I’m sure if they all voted yes the Israelis and Palestinians would be singing kumbaya around a campfire by now.

  4. The interesting thing about this is that the DUP have close ties with Friends of Israel, who lobby politicians in different countries to be in favour of Israel.

    The DUP have had trips to Israel paid for by the Friends of Israel that they didn’t declare and were investigated for.

    And that’s only the shit we know about, I bet that rabbit hole runs deep.

    Seems a bit corrupt don’t you think?

  5. Seriously though, what difference would it make if they had all voted for a ceasefire?

  6. A unionist movement that pedals deception, death and destruction supporting Israeli deception, death and destruction, why would that surprise anyone?

  7. You know what, who cares, like Israel are waiting with baited breath for the results of a vote in Belfast to decide if they will stop attacking Gaza.

    We all know full well how these people will vote, if every single one of them voted for it, still would have been a complete waste of everyones time in the grand scheme of it all

  8. The loyalists and unionists being ignorant bigots?


    Still tho the cunts have the cheek of it the simple bastards. We show support for Palestine and suddenly there’s fucking stars of David all over irish Street in the waterside.

    We’d say the sky’s up and they’d say nae m8 it’s down thur.

    Thran cunts.

  9. Disgusting. Regardless who you believe is right… a ceasefire needs to happen.

  10. Don’t they have issues relating to Northern Ireland to be sorting out? Is this seriously what they are being paid to do? I want my taxes back.

    What a fucking pointless waste of time and resources. Fuck Stormont and fuck our politicians. They should all be dropped from a great height and be done with it.

  11. Voting against a ceasefire. Any nuances in this or are they just bastards?

  12. A ceasefire that also calls for the release of all remaining hostages or just a ceasefire with no other repercussions for the terrorist overlords of the Gaza?

  13. Why are they wasting time voting on pointless shit like this when there is actual messes they do have the power to fix. All this does is act as another thing to be divided over.

  14. Absolute ghouls.

    Abortion?! Nope, killing babies: wrong.
    Israel: carry on lads.

  15. I always thought Doug Beattie seemed to be different. Perhaps the mask is slipping

  16. The DUP are very consistent when it comes to their opinion on bombing Brown people in the Middle East.

  17. Surprise sur-fucking-prise

    Imagine voting in support of anti-genocide. It must be so hard for them. And to also keep explaining to them that the conflict didn’t begin on Oct 7th.

    The Palestinian people are being ETHNICALLY CLEANSED.


  18. So gigantic sacks of shit ? – good to know

    Side Note : We need to start protesting outside politicians homes – A comfortable politician is a corrupt politician

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