Not the same

Not the same

by 53rdAccount

  1. Aftermath shitshow ✅

    *I don’t mind if they lose as long as there’s an even greater aftermath shitshow

  2. Is it communism/islamism to not be in favour of fascism and ethnic cleansing?

  3. Some of you want to ban Israel from Eurovision because of the war

    I want to ban Israel from Eurovision because they’re non-European cavemen

    We are not the same

  4. Absolute guilty for points 3&4.

    Cost: all 20 votes on Israel €9.00

    Seeing the left go apeshit: priceless

  5. Please, PLEASE – vote for Israel so I can watch the chimpout unfold in Malmö tonight 🙏🏻

  6. Fuck. I can’t put the outright winner on my betting site would’ve put Israel just for fun though

  7. Can someone tell me why Isreal, or for that matter Australia are in Eurovisiion, to begin with?

  8. Maybe some people want Israel to win because they genuinely liked their song?

  9. Why would only Islamist and commies be upset?

    Everyone should be against what Israel is doing.

    The chaos would be interesting if they win, though.

  10. I want isreal to win to better bully muslim religious extremists (which there are a lot of on youtube)

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