I’ve just started watching The Boys, and I’ve experienced this feeling before, but when Simon Pegg started talking in an American accent it just takes me out of it.

There are obviously many other examples of this, and a lot of the time it’s not even necessarily bad acting, it’s just the fact that I know that it’s not their natural accent so it’s more that I’m aware that it is acting more than anything else.

by Witty-Show8030

  1. No because I’m not nuanced enough to hear the parts that don’t sound right.

    But when an American does a British accent….

  2. Personally Billy’s accent takes me out of it more, but it’s definitely very odd for Simon Pegg aswell

  3. No. Two actors did it in The Wire for several seasons, and I bought it all the way.

  4. Only time that ever happened was when I watched Ocean’s 11. Don Cheadle’s accent was like every stereotype smushed together with bits of an Australian accent mixed in lmao. (It worked for the character though, don’t get me wrong)

  5. I love Simon Pegg but I don’t think he was a great choice for this.

  6. Sorry I know this isn’t really relevant, but when I read the title I thought you had some bizarre issue with the electric heating system in your hot water tank.

    Please somebody tell me I’m not alone.

  7. Karl Urban is the perfect Billy Butcher but his English accent is fucking diabolical.

  8. If you don’t like British actors using American accents, and your complaint isn’t necessarily about bad acting, does that mean you also don’t like Christian Bale?

  9. Peaky Blinders, the guy trying to do a Glaswegian accent. Awful. Remarkably bad attempt. Ruined those scenes for me. Was an Irish actor though.

  10. Well no, because this can really go both ways.

    Ever heard Christian Bale use his actual British accent?! It’s horrifically weird.

    As long as the accent they put on is believable, I don’t find it immersion breaking at all.

  11. The guy from the office doing an American accent will always be weird to me

  12. Doesn’t really bother me even if it’s bad. I’m more annoyed by details like Guns and effects etc..

    People praise Idris Elba’s American accent but I hear the English in his voice so to me it’s not good.

    Andrew Lincoln’s accent in TWD was excellent but it wasn’t an American accent because no one in America has that accent. It’s a strange one.

    Jason Statham’s American accent is dogshit, he might as well not even bother because its just his accent with a shitty accent lol.

    Simon Peggs accent feels more hammed up. Like it’s not a proper attempt at an American accent, but a caricature of one.

    In terms of the other way around, Have you heard Keanu Reeves flawless masterpiece of an accent in Bram Stokers Dracula? I didn’t even know he was American it was that good.

  13. Yes, I was talking to my wife literally yesterday. If they wanted to cast somebody and they’re not the right nationality, cast somebody else, please.

    I know it’s called acting, but it’s so immersion breaking! Couldn’t he just have been English in the show? I can’t see how it would change the story at all? 🤦‍♂️

  14. Even just having an American alone in a sea of British accents makes it sound fake or just wrong to me. I can watch America actors easy, they sound fine. But put them in the same cast as British people and suddenly they sound really fucning weird.

  15. An old mate was a regular on The Bill back in the day. That totally shattered immersion for me.

  16. I’m so out-of-the-loop with pop culture that I seldom recognise an actor so it has never been an issue. Only one I can think of is Christian Bale in American Psycho and I didn’t know he was British until after I watched it.

  17. It throws me off completely and doesn’t sound right to me. But what do I know, I’ve never spent enough time in the states to know a genuine accent.

  18. Hollywood and TV is absolutely littered with British and Irish actors playing Americans, most of the time you’ll never know. Simon Pegg is going to stand out as he’s always played a Brit and usually in a comical role.

  19. I find it worse when an American actor does a British accent, and it’s always a vaguely posh, non-specific region accent that no-one real has ever used.

  20. As an American, 99% of the time no because British film/tv actors are (usually) really good at them. However, there are rules (for me).

    – I can’t KNOW them to be British beforehand or at the very least I can’t know them from a lot of British roles. Simon Pegg fails here. Same with Daniel Radcliffe sometimes, but after like 15 minutes you kind of get used to it.

    – Actually that’s the only rule. Most Americans are surprised to find out (whichever actor) is British in interviews etc. Damien Lewis blew my mind.

    Also I will say British THEATRE actors are generally the opposite and more often than not bad at American accents. Newsies in London last year was SO GREAT but the accents were terrible. I also notice that lead actors are generally worse at American accents than ensemble members, for whatever reason.

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