Some highlights:
‘I could go on, but I’m not delivering a party political broadcast and I’m not suggesting for a nanosecond that the SNP is without its faults. That, frankly, would be absurd.
‘But they do have the freedom to put Scotland’s interests first.’
‘Labour, Tory, Lib Dems? Not so much. They’re branch offices. They do what they’re told. Whatever Anas Sarwar or Douglas Ross claims, they remain under the thumb of their Westminster bosses. That’s not gone so well for Scotland in recent years. As soon as they return to power, they’ll forget all about Scotland again.’
‘Even if the SNP loses as many seats as the Unionist-leaning media have suggested, it might be no bad thing. Maybe we can learn something from our auld alliance with the French. They’ve got a great expression: reculer pour mieux sauter – take a few steps back to make a better jump. A few years at the edges of power could give the next generation of leaders time to learn their trade.’
‘The SNP ship of state has sprung some serious leaks in recent years – but compared with the alternatives, how can I not vote SNP?’
by SaltTyre
1 comment
I am here to ask if anyone is in any way swayed by the televised debates between Sunak and Starmer?