Trump just posted this to his Truth

by tense_wink53

  1. Donald Trump might be the biggest threat to domestic terrorism of this countries entire existence and their is so many people that eat it up i just cant anymore. I didnt believe this was real so i checked and he also posted a picture after with a bunch of “stats” after saying “since Kamala took office” does he even know who the fucking current president of the United States is?

  2. If he used Flex to generate the image (what Twitter uses under hood), he likely violated the ToS. I normally wouldn’t care, but Donald deserves no sympathy.

  3. While the orange wart is about to burst, I can’t help but think messages like this does have an effect on the Americans public. Americans are and will always be afraid of Socialism and Communism. General populace doesn’t apply logic..they just react and panic.

  4. It still blows my mind that a top candidate could do what he does. I remember people asking what if scenarios in HS history class and the teacher barely entertaining the possibility that we could be in the situation we are now.

  5. Wasn’t it only a month ago that conservatives were saying that comparing Trump’s rhetoric to Hitlers was incitement?

    Wouldn’t comparing Harris to a different tyrannical regime also be incitement by that standard?

  6. This is Hilarious….soooo Much Hypocrisy in one picture….a picture is truly worth a thousand words!!

  7. I know you guys are all yelling “NU-UH!!” right now, but she recently has advocated for EQUITY not EQUALITY, and is pushing for price controls. This is communist type shit, I get she doesnt claim to be one, but she sure is pushing into the stupid policy direction it goes in.

  8. Isn’t Trump a guy that praises Putin and Xi? Also, one was a spy in former communist regime, and the other is the head of a current communist regime.

  9. Well … disregarding his embarrassingly desperate lame propaganda attempt, let’s not forget who it was that marched in and kicked the Nazis’ asses.


  10. The guy who says Kamala is cheating with AI generated images of her crowd sizes (she did not) and should be disqualified for using AI generated images, is using AI generated images himself, to accuse Kamala of being a communist (she isn’t).

    For having policies as crazy and extreme as … checking my notes … a first home buyer grant. A policy that many countries have. So if a first home buyer grant is communism, apparently Australia, New Zealand, UK and Canada are communist too.

  11. I’m no fan of the CCP but wouldn’t trumps version just look like this but Putin flavored?

  12. Doesn’t he love Russia? Doesn’t his base like Russia more than a democratic run US? Don’t they all go a bit wonky for Putin?

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