Nicholas Kristoff: I Just Went to Darfur. Here Is What Shattered Me.
byu/GandalfTheShmexy inanime_titties
Posted by GandalfTheShmexy
Nicholas Kristoff: I Just Went to Darfur. Here Is What Shattered Me.
byu/GandalfTheShmexy inanime_titties
Posted by GandalfTheShmexy
1 comment
A summary for those who can’t reach the article:
Nicholas Kristoff spoke with Maryam Suleiman, a refugee from Sudan’s Darfur region. When Arab militias came to her village they rounded up all the Black males over ten and executed them. They then rounded up the women and raped them.
The civil war in Sudan has produced 10 million refugees. In response to a similar genocide in the region 20 years ago, the world responded with widespread horror and condemnation. No such luck exists for today’s victims in Darfur.
The violence is fueling “what may become the worst famine in half a century or more”. 25 million people in Sudan have become acutely malnourished. “Timmo Gasbeek, a disaster expert who has modeled the crisis for a research institute in the Netherlands, told me that he foresees 13 million people starving to death in Sudan by October 2025, with a margin of error of two million”.
Refugees in Chad, the closest Kristoff could get to Darfur without being blocked by warring parties, are struggling to feed themselves and support their families.
I’ll dm those who want a plain text copy of the full article