Poland tore down a statue glorifying the Red Army in Siedlce this morning. In the afternoon, this Soviet monument in Garncarsko fell as well. The authorities (IPN) have compiled a list of another 60 Red Army monuments that will meet the same fate soon.

Poland tore down a statue glorifying the Red Army in Siedlce this morning. In the afternoon, this Soviet monument in Garncarsko fell as well. The authorities (IPN) have compiled a list of another 60 Red Army monuments that will meet the same fate soon.

  1. about goddamn time that they remove the statues glorifying the murderers and invaders

  2. I stayed in Seidlce for 3 months in 2018. I never read about or saw any Soviet monument. Does anyone know what street it was on?

  3. Oh my god, the translations… It wasn’t in Siedlce (woj. Mazowieckie) but in Siedlec (woj. Wielkopolskie), that’s why none of you guys from Siedlce recognize it…

  4. I may get dovnvoted for this but I think running around cities with torches and hammers destroying inanimate objects in anger is stupid. Always has been. Are we really just as primitive as savage armies from ancient times burning down temples of the enemy? Fuck Russia but why do we have to act just like them? We demolish monuments not for strategic or practical reasons but out of pure spite.

  5. Red army consisted of more than Russians – it also included Ukrainians, Poles, Georgians, Kazakhs and many more people. I can understand anger at Russia, but this is wiping a memory of many people, not just those who committed crimes.

    How would we feel, if, one day we are on the wrong side of history, and monuments to 303 in Britain are torn down?

    The dead have nothing to do with this.

    I would be OK with what Hungary did – just move the monuments to a big dedicated space, for all to tour if they wish, but tearing them down is just sad.

  6. Maybe we should take those monuments and barricade Katyń monument so Russians can’t destroy it

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