French court orders 4G antenna switch-off over cow health concerns: A farmer in central-east France said that milk production had dropped by 15-20% in the days following the antenna installation, and 40 of his 200 cows had died

French court orders 4G antenna switch-off over cow health concerns: A farmer in central-east France said that milk production had dropped by 15-20% in the days following the antenna installation, and 40 of his 200 cows had died

  1. Are you telling me, that there is a report from a vet out there, stating that this is the direct result of 4G to someone’s cows? If so, this is big. But even in the article they said they will start monitoring the rest of the cows and the only reason why 4G is considered the culprit is because nothing else made sense medically, no other sudden changes had happened apart the installation of the antenna.

    On the other hand its refreshing to see a court ruling in favor of the small guy!

    In any case, if there is a link, this will validate all the fears people have, especially in populated areas. Here, we often find hidden antennas disguised into chimneys and all.

  2. Lemme get this straight…

    So this dude has 40 dead cows, says its the antenna and the antenna gets removed. So far, so batshit crazy.

    But did noone check the cows? How they died and the health of the remaining cows? Because the article doesn’t mention anything like a veterinarian.

  3. I see that France has similar problem with low quality judges like Slovakia.

    Was it so hard for the service provider to call in a physicist to debunk this BS?

  4. There is a quite famous story in Germany which is actually true.

    The telekom set up a new antenna. People near it complained that they can’t sleep, headaches,… and so on.

    Telekom reacted with a statement and said they are sorry for the inconvenience and hope it won’t get worse when they turn the antenna on in some time.

  5. I hope this doesn’t have any UE wide reach. Not the best time to reduce milk production considering so many food items will get more expensive and scarce in the upcoming months.

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